My parents are blessed with good health (knock on wood!), considering both are seasoned octogenarians.  They are living on their own in a large farmhouse and able to navigate the complexities of everyday life without assistance.  Nevertheless, they have started forming a “contingency plan” should their health suddenly change.

In one visit to a local nursing home, my parents noticed several older folks sitting around the central parlor.  Some were blankly staring out the window.  Others were aimlessly shuffling around the room.  Still others were rocking back and forth without regard to their surroundings.

But one guy was alert, focused, and full of energy.  He was engaged in an intense match of chess (By himself–I like his chances!) and called over my parents when they entered.    After a brief exchange of pleasantries, my mom asked him what it was like to live in the home.  His answer was priceless.

“I constantly keep active and set daily goals.  I like it here.  But the rest of these folks are just sitting around waiting for the meat wagon to take them away.”

A little harsh.  A lot hilarious. 

But he has a point.  We have to be active in our lives.  We have to live with purpose and conviction.  We can’t just sit around and wait for the meat wagon to take us away!

Sitting Back Doesn’t Spell Success

In our work lives, we have to actively advance the ball each day.  We can’t stare at the phone and wait for it to ring.   We can’t daydream about a better outcome without taking steps to improve our situation.  We can’t complain about our work conditions and then remain passive.  We can’t mark off the calendar and count the days until retirement.

Success and fulfillment rarely make house calls.  If we want to advance our careers, we have to take control of our destiny.  We need to set daily goals.  We need to make the calls. We need to build relationships.  There is a time and place to rest and recover.  But that rest and recovery needs to be well-earned.

If we sit back for too long, that meat wagon will come find us!

Proactive Beats Passive

The same is true in our personal lives.  If our finances are slipping away, we need to find alternative ways to make money.  If our relationships are strained, we need to actively communicate our issues.  If we sense our children are struggling, we can’t be afraid to step in and have a tough conversation.

Our intuitions are usually correct.  But awareness is not enough.  We need to take action.  We need to get out in front of a small issue before it snowballs.  There is no substitute for proactivity.  Passive acceptance or outright denial will only hasten the arrival of the meat wagon!

Resilience is Not a Zero-Sum Game

But action and hustle don’t always translate to success.  Sometimes, we get out in front of a problem and still get steamrolled.  Sometimes, we take the initiative and still lose a client.  Sometimes, we communicate our concerns and still lose a relationship.  Sometimes, we simply can’t prevent a challenging situation from getting the best of us.

Sometimes, the meat wagon doesn’t care about our positive attitude and effort.

But resilience is born from the very act of struggling and exerting effort.  Even if we ultimately fail, at least we have exhausted every option.  At least we have taken control of our own fate.  At least we have gone down swinging!  And that will give us the courage and confidence to keep fighting until we get it right.

Resilience is not a zero-sum game.  Even if we do not win, a  little bit of good comes out of every battle.  Like a muscle, resilience builds with every challenge we take on.  And if we keep active and positive, we will eventually win.

Keep Fighting

Let’s face it, the meat wagon is coming for all of us.  But we don’t have to make it easy.  We can’t just sit around and wait for it!

If I had sat on my hands and done nothing about my situation, I wouldn’t be alive today. –Dexter Manley

If we stay in our rocking chairs and stare out the window, we know how the story will end.  Stay positive!  Stay active!  Stay resilient!  Keep fighting even in the face of certain defeat.

We are too valuable to let life just passively wash over us.  We need to outrun that meat wagon for as long as possible.

Until next week, keep smiling!