There is nothing more satisfying than passionately pursuing your goals and ultimately achieving success.  That passion drives us through the difficult times and allows us to blaze our own path to glory.  In fact, passion is one of the keys to leading a resilient life.  There are countless examples of entrepreneurs who have willed their companies to success through the sheer force of their passion.  Can you imagine Apple succeeding without Steve Jobs driving his product team?  Or Amazon thriving without the conviction of Jeff Bezos?  These leaders were/are not only relentlessly focused, but also insanely passionate about their business.  The same is also true in the world of sports.  The most passionate players are usually the most driven and successful.  And the most entertaining.  Jimmy Connors wasn’t afraid to get emotional on his way to a fist-pumping US Open victory.  Dennis Rodman wasn’t the most gifted basketball player but his hustle and passion lifted his teammates to multiple championships.  And who can forget Lawrence Taylor wreaking havoc on the field “like a crazed dog”?  The passion of these business leaders and sports figures drove them to incredible success in their respective fields and inspired a generation of Americans.

We all strive to harness that same type of passion in our everyday lives, but sometimes that passion can come with a downside.  What happens when we launch a company with unbridled enthusiasm and it fails to take off?  What happens when we fervently believe we can make a sale, and it unravels before our eyes?  What happens when we passionately take the field and play with moxie, only to lose in the final moments?   When we fall short of our goals, it makes it even harder to rebound from the defeat.  Since failure was not an option, how do you recover when failure is the outcome?  This disillusionment and despair takes an even harder toll on the most passionate individuals.  The same amazing optimism and passion that allowed for the possibility of success boomerangs quickly into despair when major cracks form in the plan.  How do we pick up the pieces when our dreams (either large or small) have been shattered?

If we could live without passion, maybe we’d know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow.  Passion is the source of our finest moments. –Joss Whedon

The reality is, while exuding passion and enthusiasm is a critical ingredient to a successful life, it is not a guarantee.  Sometimes your passion and execution are there, but your timing is off.  Sometimes your passion is there, but you are sidetracked by an unforeseen obstacle or injury.  There are some things we simply cannot control.    While failure is devastating in the moment, think how tragic it would be if you had never taken a shot at your dream in the first place?  It is far more soul-crushing to passively think about a great business idea than to pursue that idea and fail.  There is no tragedy is striking out swinging, only in criticizing from the stands.  How can you expect to achieve happiness and success if you do not passionately pursue your goals in the quest to fulfill your potential?  Failure may be an option.  But if you live your life passively and without passion, it is a certainty.

So what is holding you back from achieving your goals?  That same passion that elicits devastation upon failure can be channeled into your next great adventure.  Once you display passion in one area of your life, you cannot exhaust the supply.  So launch the business of your dreams.  Defend that client from a wrongful suit.  Pursue that romantic relationship.  Dive in front of that lacrosse ball to save a goal (See video above…now THAT is how you should live your life)!  Whatever you set out to accomplish, do it with wild passion.  The world embraces the bold.  We need you.  Your passion is contagious and will spread to all those you encounter along your journey.  Who cares if you are not successful on your first attempt?  Be resilient!  Stay motivated!  Passion always wins out in the end.

Until next week, keep smiling.