You can’t always connect the dots looking forward; sometimes you have to look backwards for everything to make sense. –Steve Jobs

It’s Labor Day.  And soon we will start that gradual transition from one season to the next.  It is a time to reflect back on the great memories from the Summer and look forward to a fresh new start in the Fall. The Ancient Romans celebrated this time of change with numerous festivities and celebrations.  Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings, was exalted during this period.  Janus was the perfect representation of this evolution because he could look back into the past with one face and look forward into the future with the other.  Though seemingly conflicted, this balance of thoughtful reflection and hopeful anticipation captures the essence of the changing season.  And shouldn’t we all have that same dual mindset in our work and personal lives?

Perspective is a Powerful Ally

In our work lives, it is prudent and productive to look forward and tackle the next great challenge.  How can I impact more clients?  How can I help my players or students better maximize their potential?  How can I take on a larger workload?  How can I advance my personal brand and career?  Looking forward sets the bar high and gives you a milestone to anchor your future dreams and goals.  The sky is the limit and a forward-looking mindset can set you up for great achievement.

But sometimes, we need to simultaneously look backward to experience true fulfillment.  If we are constantly driving forward without appreciating how far we have come, we are in danger of sapping the joy and satisfaction out of our life.  Think about how many customers we have helped.  Think about how many students we have impacted.  Think about how much responsibility we now have in our career.    We have already come so far and accomplished so much!  There is a difference between staying hungry for more and reflecting on how we have arrived at our current state.  These two perspectives are not mutually exclusive.  Appreciate how far you have come.  Dream how far you can go!

Look Back to Move Forward

The same is true in our personal lives.  How can I improve my relationships?  How I can eat healthier and exercise more? How can I reduce the chaos in my family?  How can I read more books? How can I study harder?  All of these are worthy goals and require maximum effort and discipline.  But you aren’t going to get there overnight.  You aren’t always going to be successful.  Achieving sustained progress toward a goal is a remarkable accomplishment.  Look back to see how much you have improved.  Look back to appreciate how much you have grown.  At one point, did you ever imagine you could support a family?  Did you ever imagine you could buy a house?  Did you ever imagine you could provide for your own parents? (and if you haven’t reached this stage of life, you will get there!).   Don’t beat yourself up if you have further to go on your journey .  You can always do more.  And you will as you move forward.  But allow yourself the satisfaction of looking back to recognize your progress.  This will propel you even further as you look to the future!

Create Your Own Future

But what happens when we experience a setback or make a wrong decision?  What happens when we fail and lose our motivation?  During these times, we tend to only look backwards and dwell on our situation.  Why am I always coming up short?  Why can’t I ever get a break?  This is not healthy!  Stewing about the past will not change your situation!.  Closing off the world will not help improve your life.   If you want to dig out and move forward, you must play an active role in creating your own future.  What can I do next time to improve?  What person or event will help me achieve my goals?  What can I do today to define my success tomorrow?  Baby steps.   Resiliency starts with an understanding of how you got to your present and a realization that you will actively create a better future.

Life is a constant balance between your past and future.  Keep driving forward to accomplish your goals.  Stay relentless in pursuing your dreams.  But allow yourself the peace of mind to appreciate how far you have come.  As Janus symbolizes, life is a series of beginnings and endings.  You are still at the beginning of your own journey.  You have accomplished so much, but your greatest achievements are ahead of you.  Start creating your glorious future today!