Is there anything more glorious than spending a week at the beach?  Body surfing.  Trivial Pursuit Happy Hours.  Fireworks.  Fun Land.  Kohr Brothers Ice Cream.  Miniature Golf.  Did I mention the happy hours?  Okay, it’s worth another mention!

This past week was certainly no exception. Good weather allowed for extra beach time, and each day we made the shoeless trek across the sand to set up camp near the water’s edge.  Once there, we could be assured of tasty waves, a slight breeze, good conversation, and a few refreshing, ice-cold beverages.

But as the week wore on, and the temperatures climbed, that journey across the sand became increasingly infernal and uncomfortable (First-world problems,  for sure).  By Friday, the process resembled a Fijian Islands firewalking ritual.  There were times when it felt downright impossible. When the promise of cool sand and light breezes seemed a distant fever dream.  But ultimately, everyone made it to the Promised Land.

On the final day, I got a late start to join in the family fun.  Through the heat waves emanating from the sand, I could see their slightly distorted figures playing paddleball, reading, and swimming in the ocean.  I knew it was going to be a challenge, but what a payoff!   It was not easy.  I nearly turned back halfway through to retrieve my flip-flops (an admission of defeat).  As I felt the burning sensation reaching a crescendo, I high-tailed it even faster and closed my eyes to fight off the pain.  Finally, I leapt onto the first patch of cool sand and did a few stork struts to get back to an even temperature.

“Wow, I didn’t think I was going to make it this time!” I said to no one in particular.

Just then, my daughter’s friend answered matter-of-factly, and with Zen-like wisdom:

Sometimes, you have to go through the hot sand to get to paradise. –Kate Raffo

And that struck me as a resilient mantra to embrace in our everyday lives.

Keep Moving Forward

We all have goals and dreams.  We are all trying to reach some destination or place in life that is free from stress and constant worry.  But the journey to such a landing place does not come without struggle.  We may have to take risks that bring us to an uncomfortable boiling point.  We may make a few wrong turns that bring us to the brink of insolvency.  We may strain a few relationships that will call into doubt our loyalty and faith.  No great mission is without its perils.

But how do we act when the sand is sizzling beneath us?  Do we turn around and run for the safety and comfort of the known path?  Do we complain and call attention to our “unfair” predicament?  Do we stop moving forward, wave the white flag, and lose faith entirely?  Or do we calmly yet resolutely soldier on toward our destination?  It will not be easy.  There will be bowel-shaking moments of self-doubt and regret.  There will be times when the mercury rises and we feel all alone in the blistering sand.  But we have to keep our eyes on the prize.  We have to keep moving forward toward our goals.  Paradise awaits!

The Journey Matters

But what happens when we reach our destination and we are greeted with…more hot sand?  What happens if “paradise” is a mirage?  We will chase many empty dreams in our journey.  We will lose sight of our priorities and blindly speed toward an ocean that doesn’t exist.  We will think we have made it, only to have the bottom drop out beneath us.  Our view of success and fulfillment will be constantly shifting throughout the course of our lives.  That is why the motivation behind the journey matters!

We are not gluttons for punishment.  There is no reason to suffer in the hot sand unless it is for a worthy cause.  Are we trying to provide security for our family?  Are we trying to help a loved one in need of guidance and direction?  Are we trying to create memories that will make our corner of the world just a little brighter?  Are we trying to improve ourselves so we can adequately protect those we care about the most?  If our motivation is pure, then the destination is within reach.  Do we really think a little hot sand is going to stop us?

Ultimately we all want to break through to paradise.  We want to find that moonlit-splashed beach, fireworks, a white tent, and endless dancing with family and friends.  It is out there.  It doesn’t come without sacrifice, faith, and loyalty.  It doesn’t come to the faint of heart.  But we all have that resilience inside of us.

How will we handle our journey through the hot sand?