
The storied “Jesuit Poker Classic” took place this past weekend with its customary flair for drama and suspense.  This Texas Hold ‘Em style card tournament pits rival high schools against each other in an all-or-nothing battle in honor of local Washington, DC legend David Flynn.  While our squad ended up on the wrong side of the chip count, it was a great night of strategy, revelry, and camaraderie.  Most importantly, it was also a clear reflection of another key Resilient Worker tenet.  At some point, each player had to risk everything and place all their poker chips on the table.  Go big or go home!  When you were ALL IN with your chips, you were fully engaged with the game and fully engaged with your teammates.  You were taking a definitive stand and you were not afraid of the consequences.  Putting yourself ALL IN in the card game was the ultimate expression of confidence and commitment.  And, in similar fashion, shouldn’t we strive to be ALL IN in our work and personal lives?

In our work lives, how many of us make a significant investment of sweat equity or emotional capital in our office?  If we are not ALL IN at work, it can be too easy to stagnate in our role without any real consequences.   Didn’t get that promotion?  Sulk for a while and then do nothing to prove they made the wrong choice.  Management looking for feedback on a new strategic direction?  Just kick back and let someone else deal with it.  Your firm acquires a new company with a slick, new technology?  Stick with the old technology and try to hang on to your shrinking market share.  You can play small with your God-given chips but eventually you will slowly go bankrupt.  At some point, you have to invest in your future.  At some point you have to step out of your comfort zone.  At some point, you have to take a calculated risk and believe in your team and your dream.  If you never go ALL IN, you will never know the incredible thrill of putting everything on the line for your future.  And you will never reach the peak of your incredible potential.

The same is true in our personal lives.  If you never discipline your children, you will avoid conflict and “maintain the peace”.  If you never confront issues with your spouse, they will get swept under the rug and hopefully go away.  If you settle for a partner that you know is not right for you, at least you are with someone.  It is not easy to be ALL IN with your relationships.  But if you live your life without addressing the conflict, you will never be able to passionately connect with anyone else.  If you live your life without emotional investment, you will never truly be able to maintain a relationship.  If you settle for the most convenient option, you will never know the incredible thrill of finding the right partner.  If you are not ALL IN with your relationships, eventually you will be ALL OUT.  And no one wants to be alone.

But putting yourself ALL IN can come with a heartbreaking downside.    What if you invest enormous time and energy at work only to be callously laid off?  What if you passionately embrace a new relationship only to be tossed aside?  When you put yourself out there, you put yourself out there for potential devastation.  At some point, going ALL IN will not work to your advantage.  You will suffer a stinging defeat.  You will go belly up. But the alternative is far worse.  Resilience is a learned behavior.  If you never take any risk, you will never develop the grit to bounce back and try again.  If you never act on your passion, you will live a small life riddled with regret.  Going ALL IN breeds resilience.  Once you passionately believe in a cause, there is no setback that can stop you from achieving your goals.  Once you emotionally invest in a relationship, you will find the strength to power through any conflict.   There are no guarantees in life.  But going ALL IN gives you the best chance for a successful and rewarding existence.

Life, like cards, has an element of risk.  But risk shouldn’t be avoided.  It should be embraced! –Ed Norton

So go ALL IN with your family!  Go ALL IN with your friendships!  Go ALL IN with your career!    Follow your passion and don’t be afraid of the consequences.  There will be heartache.  There will be failure.  But you cannot stay down forever.  Once you emotionally invest in your work and family life, your resilience will shine through in the end.  And you will walk away from the table with ALL the chips you need for happiness.

Until next week, keep smiling!