
In the movie “City Slickers”, Curly Washburn (played brilliantly by Jack Palance) is a grizzled cowboy with a simple purpose: Drive cattle across the Colorado Plains until they arrive safely at the ranch.  That was the secret to his gratifying and meaningful life.  In one poignant scene, he implores Billy Crystal’s character to find the one thing (not his finger!) that matters most in his life.  If you are able to figure that out, nothing else matters!  This single focus will guide your actions and ultimately deliver happiness and meaning to your life.  You go, Curly!

While it seems so easy for Curly, our lives are a little more complicated.  Or does it just seem that way?  In our work lives, we become frazzled with endless e-mails, meetings, client calls, lesson plans, internal training and various other extraneous activities.  We are like ships wandering aimlessly in the sea without a rudder.   The tide carries us from place to place and we can go for weeks without really stopping to consider our true purpose or single focus.  Sleep walking through life is not living!  At some point, there was a reason we entered into our chosen career or field of study.  Every now and then, we need to take a step back to gain much needed perspective.  What could you accomplish today that would deliver the most satisfaction to your life?  What long term goal are you most passionate about?  Who are the people that can help you achieve your dreams?  In our personal lives, it is even more critical to focus on the one thing that matters most to you.  We spend so much time shuttling from event to event, attending social gatherings, and volunteering in various organizations.  But what is the greatest source of inspiration in our life?   Which relationship do we cherish the most (could be more than one)?  Which hobby or activity always brings a smile to our face?  Where do we feel the most welcome?  Even amidst the chaos of our lives, we must have the ability to reset and reflect.  In both our work and personal lives, we can achieve incredible insight by  distilling our lives down to a simple purpose.  If this purpose drives our actions, we have a great chance of leading a meaningful life!  Perhaps it is a vocation.  Perhaps a team of players or a class of students.  Perhaps a single client or set of clients.  Perhaps an ideal or strongly held belief.  Perhaps the love of a child, a spouse, a parent, or a friend (or combination of all).  We must act with emotion and conviction in our lives.  We are not put on this earth to merely inhale, exhale and repeat!  Passion is the single greatest driver of happiness.   What fuels your passion?  Once you “figure that out”, keep it in the forefront of your mind.  Let that guide your decisions and dictate your behavior.  We all need to level set on our priorities and find our motivation.  It doesn’t have to be complicated.  For Curly Washburn, it was the simple feeling of watching the cattle settle into the ranch.  What is your one thing?

As important as this focus is in the good times, it is even more critical when things are not going our way.   A failed business venture, a lost sale,  a financial meltdown, a failed test, a crisis of faith, a broken promise, a strained relationship, the loss of a loved one.  All of these things can destroy our confidence and devastate our world.  How do we keep moving forward when life can be so painful?  How do we stay positive and fight to get back on top?   In down times, every negative force in your life is disproportionately magnified.  This distorted reality can be overwhelming.  If we are going to maintain our resiliency, we need to get back to the basics. Focus on the one thing that brings you the most joy in your life.  Focus on the one thing that will motivate you to break through walls and return to your successful life.  Start thinking about your source of motivation right now before you experience a crisis.  It will serve as your lifeline when a crisis hits.  And it will help you focus and recover from the crisis with elegance and grace.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.–Aristotle Onassis

Your one thing is out there.  And it is an incredible source of passion in your life.  Once you discover it, focus on it and never take it for granted.  Take some time to soak in the pure joy it brings to you.  As long as you have this positive motivation in your life, nothing else matters.  Stay passionate!  Stay positive!  Stay resilient!  Keep moving forward with your life.  You have a purpose.  You are destined for great things.    Curly the Cowboy got it right.  And so will you!

Until next week, keep smiling!