

Effort Passion

Stuck on Party Island Without a Plan

I am not sure if Agnar ever made it off the island of Ios. His two nights may have turned into a lifetime. And while that is not a bad place to get “stuck”, we cannot let that same thing happen to us!
We need to fight complacency! We need to recognize that we are stuck. We need to break out of our rut! And we need to come up with a plan and execute!


You and Me, Baby!

Our lives are filled with competition that often boil down to critical one-on-one moments.   Our ability to recognize the importance of these moments, and rise to the challenge, will ultimately define our personal and professional success. And one simple story illustrates the power of these moments….


Never Underestimate Your Opponent

  Life is all about competition.  And I learned my greatest competitive lesson on the football field at the tender age of 11. At the time, our Chevy Chase Boys Club Youth Football team was a dominant force in the…


Long Time Listener, First Time Caller!

In difficult times, we need to retrench and re-evaluate our lives. We need to lean on the strength of our inner circle. We need to listen to the advice of those closest to us and embrace a new perspective. And then we need to take action!

We cannot grow without taking action. We cannot move our lives forward without taking action. We cannot stay resilient without taking action!


The Best Defense is a Good Offense!

The Best Defense is a Good Offense! —Vince Lombardi The above quote is often referenced in the world of sports or the theatre of war. What does it mean? Essentially, if you want to gain an advantage over your opponent, a passive, defensive mode will…


Mel and His 5-Cent Beers

A few miles off California’s Route 120, in the desert just south of Lodi, lies a little slice of heaven. Having freshly graduated from college, a buddy and I hurtled from San Francisco toward Yosemite on our epic cross-country trip.  Suddenly, a sign…


Steve Buscemi and Imposter Syndrome

Steve Buscemi.  An American icon.  Mr. Pink in “Reservoir Dogs”.  Donny in “The Big Lebowski”.  Carl, of wood-chipper fame, in “Fargo”.  The list of unforgettable characters goes on and on.  But this brilliant actor struggled mightily with confidence early in his career….


The Minor Tragedy of an Unfinished Project

I realize New Year’s resolutions are no longer in vogue.   But we still try to stick with them in our family. (What can I say, we’re old school!)  One of my resolutions this year is to keep a more organized home office.  My office has become a…

Appreciation Passion

Curly the Cowboy Got It Right

In the movie “City Slickers”, Curly Washburn (played brilliantly by Jack Palance) is a grizzled cowboy with a simple purpose: Drive cattle across the Colorado Plains until they arrive safely at the ranch.  That was the secret to his gratifying and meaningful life.  In one poignant scene, he implores…


Jump on In…The Water is Perfect!

For some people, getting into the swimming pool is a dramatic, drawn out affair.  They dip their toe in, and then back up.  Then they splash a little water on their legs, and towel off.  Then they “boldly” put their whole foot…

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