Tom Brady

In last week’s post, we discussed the definition of resiliency and the importance of bouncing back after “something bad happens”.  Let’s lighten it up this week and focus on when “something good happens”.  We all know that life is not easy so why not take the time to celebrate the victories (both large and small!) that come along the journey.  The images of Tom Brady hoisting the trophy as confetti reigns down (Sorry, Seattle fans!) were played over and over again after the Super Bowl earlier this month.  An entire season of hard work, determination, single-minded focus and sacrifice came down to one super-human play.  It was both natural and expected that the players would celebrate with giddy passion on the world-wide stage.

But not every victory is that dramatic and not every celebration warrants fireworks, confetti and a kiss from your supermodel spouse.  There are so many victories we experience in our lives and it is important to take the time to recognize these accomplishments.  When you work hard, put your mind to a task, and achieve your goal, don’t be afraid to reward yourself.

Obviously, life-changing events such as earning a major promotion, winning an award, or recognizing a milestone (anniversary, retirement, graduation) warrant a good -old fashioned celebration.  But what about the smaller victories on the path to your larger goals?  A key meeting where you finally gain a client’s trust.    A great report card from your son or daughter who had been struggling at school.   Finishing a household task that had been hanging over you for months.  All of these accomplishments are worthy of recognition, reflection and yes, to some degree, celebration!  Now, I’m not suggesting you fire up a ticker tape parade every time you make the perfect pot of coffee.  But taking time to recognize the small accomplishments in life can have a tremendously positive impact on your outlook and attitude.

Beyond outlook and attitude, taking time to celebrate is important for two additional reasons.  First, we have already established that setting goals and maintaining focus is critical to success.  But sometimes we can lose perspective when we become overly obsessed with a goal.  Pursuing a major goal is a journey with many milestones along the way.  Whether you are starting your own business, managing a large client, or raising a child, the “finish line” can be murky and the definition of success is constantly shifting.   If you do not take time to celebrate small victories along the way, it is easy to become burned out and frustrated.  Now taking too much time to pat yourself on the back can also be detrimental to achieving your goals.  I realize there is a big difference between “taking time to celebrate” and “taking your eye off the ball”, but a little self-recognition along the way can keep you fresh and focused on your ultimate goal.

The second reason to celebrate brings us back to that now-familiar concept of resilience.  Celebrating those moments when “something good happens” will allow us to persevere and move forward “when something bad happens”.  The feeling of accomplishment, when acknowledged, becomes a more powerful force than the feeling of failure.  Capturing and celebrating that accomplishment  makes it easier to return to that euphoric state and move forward with our lives during a time of difficulty.    In essence, those who know and appreciate the feeling of accomplishment are far more resilient and recover much quicker during a setback.

“Celebrate your success and stand strong when adversity hits, for when the storm clouds come in, the eagles soar while the small birds take cover”

So go ahead and celebrate your success along the journey to achieving your goals.  You will be stronger than ever when adversity inevitably strikes and you will soar like an eagle to meet any challenge.

Until next week, keep smiling!
