
There is a time and place to play it safe.  It doesn’t always make sense to take a risky path in business and jeopardize the security of your family.    Sometimes, it is difficult to take a politically unpopular stance if it means risking our careers.   There are times we need to be diplomatic and stifle our true emotions for the greater good of the company or to spare the feelings of those in our inner circle.    Playing it down the middle is usually the perfect plan in golf.  And sometimes it is a necessary and prudent move in our adult lives.  Sometimes.

But if you want to live a resilient life, you cannot make a living playing it down the middle.  There are times when you have to throw all caution to the wind and steadfastly believe in your own abilities.  It may not make immediate financial sense to start your own business.  But if you have the right idea and a burning passion to branch out, go ahead and take that risk.  As a manager, it may be safe to hire the candidate who looks good on paper.  But sometimes you have to take a risk on the candidate that just feels right in your gut.  When hiring a vendor, it is usually more politically acceptable to bring on the larger company with a proven track record.  But there are scrappier companies with enormous upside who could turn your business around if you are willing to take the risk.

In our personal lives, sometimes we may have to defend someone who is unpopular or an easy target.  We may risk losing social capital but if defending this person feels right, why stay silent?  For every reason there is to play it safe, you can make a counter-argument to risk it all.  So what is a resilient worker to do?

This is a difficult and nuanced question and no one can provide a definitive answer.  But for me, it comes down to simple math.  We know that by taking enough risks, we are bound to fail at some point.   Taking risks has been romanticized throughout history as the ultimate expression of bravado and a sure-fire path to success.  But taking a risk, is, well, risky, and it can come with an unbearable downside.  This failure can be painful and traumatic and should not be trivialized.

But, with the right attitude, we can overcome these setbacks and prepare ourselves to move forward with our next great plan.  As long as we stay resilient, we can learn from our mistakes and greatly increase our chances of future success.  The odds are now in our favor.

Conversely, if we never take risks in either our careers or personal life, we may spare ourselves from the stinging pain of defeat or failure.  But we will never experience the incredible upside of conquering our fears and pushing ourselves to achieve unbridled success .  Playing it down the middle all the time ensures a life somewhere in purgatory.  No great pain, yet no great joy.  No financial hardship, yet no long-term financial boon.  No excruciating broken heart, yet no passionate love.  Playing it down the middle all the time is more likely to lead to an unfulfilled life destined for mediocrity.  That math simply does not work.

What kind of person would live where there is no daring?  I don’t believe in taking foolish chances, but nothing can be accomplished without taking any chance at all! –Charles Lindbergh

One last word about risk. I am not suggesting we take foolish risks in the fruitless search for our next adrenaline rush.  While I was actually a huge Evel Knievel fan, I am not talking about performing outlandish physical stunts or engaging in risky and destructive social behavior.  I am referring to risks designed to improve your quality of life and your self-esteem.  Your risks should be calculated based on your perceptions in the moment.

Trust your instincts!  Let your passion be your guide!  Listen to the little voice inside your head that wants you to succeed!  We know it won’t be easy.  We know there will be struggles.  But we also know that greatness can never be achieved by always playing life down the middle.

Until next week, keep smiling!