
Most people have an idea of what they need to lead a successful life.  Oftentimes, it is tied to their financial well-being.  It could be saving enough for retirement or a second home.  It could be achieving the financial independence to profitably run your own business.  It could be paying off your children’s college education.  Everyone’s situation is different and there is no right or wrong answer.  Financial freedom is a lofty goal and those who work hard enough to achieve it should appreciate it and celebrate their victories along the way.

But what happens if we fall short of those goals?  What happens if we experience a setback which takes us off this path to success?  Are we now considered a failure?  The most resilient people do not view life as a pass-fail course.  They understand that the road to success is a journey that can take many twists and turns along the way.  Setbacks can actually help set them on a different path to success that they never thought possible.  The goal is to stay positive and keep moving toward your next destination.

When I was eight years old, I wanted to be a professional football player.  That was my definition of success.  By the time I was in high school, I realized I couldn’t run the 40-yard dash in under 4 seconds and I probably wasn’t going to grow up to be 300 pounds!  Did that make me a failure?  Of course not.  Our perspective on success is constantly shifting throughout the course of our lives.    The definition of success in your twenties will likely be much different than the definition of success in your sixties.  In the same way, temporary setbacks should never be viewed as catastrophic.  A missed assignment at work, a failed business venture, or an uncomfortable breakup does not translate to permanent failure.  It is important to put these in perspective and still move forward with your life.    Remember, since your definition of success is constantly shifting, so should your definition of failure.  Use these temporary failures to set you on your next journey toward success!

While your goals for success may change throughout your life, your effort to achieve them should remain constant.  It is this effort and this passion that will lead to your next incredible opportunity.  Giving up, living life in the rearview mirror,  or blaming others for your temporary setbacks will do nothing to set you back on a path to your definition of success.  By staying focused, giving maximum effort and moving forward, you are giving success a chance.


Even if we have no idea what we want to be when we “grow up”, we all have some basic understanding of the type of person we were meant to be.  Sometimes, our inner voice speaks loudly and calls us to a profound vocation.  Sometimes, it stays in the back of our minds and we try to ignore it.   But you cannot run from that voice forever!  Success is waiting for you if you put in the effort and believe you were called to make this world a better place.  Your journey may not immediately translate to financial success or career success, but, if you stay positive, it will almost certainly lead you to a life of fulfillment.


“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you were meant to be” — George Sheehan


By staying resilient, you can go out and become that person you were meant to be.  I wish you all the best in pursuing your definition of success!

Until next week, keep smiling!
