Congratulations!  Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places!  You’re off and away! –Dr. Seuss

It’s back-to-school week for many of us and that creates both a return to normalcy (whatever that means) and a fresh new beginning.  From Kindergarten to Middle School to High School, there are new friends to meet and new memories to make.

But for those heading off to college (and for those parents sending them off!), it is a bittersweet juncture in time.  On the one hand, there is intrigue and freedom and new mountains to climb.  On the other hand, there are obstacles, pitfalls and fear of the great unknown.  And parents have to walk the conflicted tightrope between enormous pride and utter disbelief.  (“How could my baby be going off to college?  Wasn’t he/she just learning to crawl yesterday?!”)

It’s not easy but change is a natural and healthy part of life.  Regardless of the emotions, this is the perfect time to celebrate a new chapter and recognize a bold milestone.  The transition, though painful, allows the student to maximize his or her potential and the parents to guide them through a brand new journey (from a safe distance!).  We never stop being a son or daughter and we certainly never stop being parents!

Relationships change over time.  But this change will ultimately help them both grow closer.

And shouldn’t we strive to embrace these same changes and challenges in our work and personal lives?

We Can’t Stay in the Bubble Forever

In our work lives, it is easy to fall into a complacent groove.  We put forth just enough effort to satisfy management and earn just enough money to make ends meet.  No one questions our performance but no one pushes us to stretch beyond our perceived limits.  Why would we ever leave this cocoon?  Why would we risk failure and frustration?

But the longer we remain stagnant, the harder it is to let go of the past and embrace a new adventure.  The world is changing all around us.  Upholding the status quo is not a recipe for future success.

The research is more exhaustive.  The technology is rapidly advancing.  The buying habits are more sophisticated.    We need to anticipate these shifts rather than cower from them.  We can’t stay in the bubble forever!

If we don’t voluntarily step outside of the bubble, someone will pop it for us.  But if we are open to change, we are open to a new destiny.  We are open to maximizing our potential.  We are open to finding an exciting new future on our own terms!

Create a New Beginning

The same is true in our personal lives.  It is easier to sweep an issue under the carpet rather than risk a blowout by addressing it head on.  It is easier to stay in a familiar environment rather than move away to pursue an exciting opportunity.  It is easier to sleep in and relax rather than get up early and exercise.  But an easy life is an unfulfilled life.

Even though change is scary, it gets your blood pumping and your heart racing.  Pursuing the same course of action and the same sedentary habits will not deliver long-term health and happiness.  Sometimes we need a change in routine.  Sometimes we need a change of scenery.  Sometimes we have to throw caution to the wind and take a chance on a new beginning.

Change Is Scary.  But So Is Stagnation

But what happens when we embrace change and fail miserably?  Just because we are willing to step out of our comfort zone does not mean we are going to be successful.  Businesses fail.  Relationships crumble.  The unknown and the unfamiliar can stagger even the most confident person.  But what is the alternative?

  Stagnation.  Plateau.  Mediocrity. 

And when we fail trying something new, at least we have failed giving maximum effort.  At least we have unshackled from our limiting beliefs.  And that will deliver the courage and confidence we need to try again.  That will fuel our resilience and allow us to come back stronger than ever.  There will be no stopping us on our future quest for achievement and adventure.

So now is the time to start our remarkable journey into the great unknown.  Change can be scary and unfamiliar.  And there is no guarantee of success.  But there are so many incredible adventures to explore if we are willing to dive right in.

Embrace the Journey

So let go of your negative thoughts.  Let go of your fear of the unfamiliar.  Let go of your angst and trepidation.  You will soar in the face of adversity and stare down any challenge.  And you might find that by leaving your comfortable world, you will gain a whole new appreciation for it when you return home.

And you can always come home!

But for now, it’s time to embrace the journey.

Oh the places you’ll go!